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Natural Ways to Take Care of Lips

Lips are the two fleshy parts which form the upper and lower edges of the opening of the mouth. Lips have their own muscles, they are soft, and easily movable.

Lips are used for eating, drinking, and helps in producing different sounds, thus they enable in performing of wind instruments. They also contribute to different facial expression.

But the skin on your lips is very delicate and thinner than the skin on other parts of the body. So, it easily gets cracked and chapped, it becomes important to take care of lips in the most natural ways.


Here are some of the natural remedies to take care of lips


  • I t is very common for the lips to crack due to dry air, apply good quality lip balm having SPF regularly to prevent cracking


  • exfoliate your lips very gently to remove dead skin cells and increase the blood flow to the lips, to exfoliate do use a tooth brush with soft bristles and rub in a circular motion, but do it mildly.


  • Apply cocoa butter or olive oil or coconut oil on the lips as they are natural moisturizers. They is very effective to heal flaky and dry skin on the lips.


  • Some people have the habit of frequently licking their lips, it only makes them more dry, so avoid licking your lips and instead apply a lip balm or petroleum jelly.


  • Turmeric mixed with raw milk is too good to keep lips naturally soft and pink.it is very good method to get healthy lips and prevent discoloration .Apply this mixture and leave it for 2 -3 minutes and wash it off.


  • Apply rose water get soft and supple lips, dip a cotton ball in little rose water and apply on the lips after sometime rinse with water.


  • For smooth lips apply honey regularly, as it is a natural remedy to nourish your lips.


  • A mixture of little sugar and lemon ,when applied on lips works wonders and make them look healthy.


  • Vitamin E oil has always been known to have an excellent softening effect on skin, it can be applied on to get soft lips .


  • Carrot juice is very healthy option to nourish your lips and keep it healthy. Just dip the cotton ball in the carrot juice and apply it over the lips.


  • Aloe Vera gel or juice can be applied directly on the lips to lighten the lip color and get rosy lips. To make lips soft and beautiful apply almond oil or olive oil regularly, it nourishes your lips and makes them supple. Cucumber is a natural whitening agent, when cucumber juice is applied on lips on regular basis it makes them look healthier.


  • Applying juices of fruits and vegetables that are dark in color such as beetroots,tomatoes,strawberries,raspberries etc. is known to improve the health of the skin of lips, and makes them look healthy.


It is said that the key to keep your lips naturally healthy and beautiful is to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. To keep your lips moist and beautiful, include walnuts, fish these foods contain Omega-3 fats, also include berries, citrus fruits, mangoes, papaya, leafy greens, in your diet. These foods are very good source to maintain the beauty of the lips.


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